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  • HR solutions – We will support your Board, Leaders and their teams to ensure that workplace stress/wellbeing and mental health is supported in an impactful and sustainable way.
  • Consultants help you build a wellbeing and mental health workplace policy.
  • We provide expert stress/wellbeing, mental health speakers who can engage your teams in employee mental health conversations.
  • Direct interventions for immediate results
  • One to one 60-minute supervision
  • 90-minute group supervision
  • Information guidance and signposting telephone service
  • 60-minute lunchtime wellbeing activities (Mindfulness, Chair Yoga, Relaxation)

Outsourced Employee Counselling

We are a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Mind in Haringey offers solutions when talking to family, friends, and colleagues is not always possible. This can be delivered face-to-face, via telephone or by video chat.

There are times when we all experience distressing events and feelings that seem to have no end or solution in sight. Our counsellors work from a variety of approaches and aim to help each client reach an understanding of their difficulties and find ways of dealing with them in a non-judgmental and confidential setting.

Partners and Funders

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