Haringey Wellbeing Network celebrates 2nd year of service!
The Haringey Wellbeing Network is excited to be celebrating our 2nd year of delivering mental health support service in the London Borough of Haringey.
We had a great time at last year’s event, but this year we are not able to celebrate in person due to social distancing measures.
We still, however, want to honour and celebrate all the amazing work that has been taking place supporting Haringey residents to look after their mental health and wellbeing!
Have you received any support from the Haringey Wellbeing Network? If you have used any of our services through our partnership:
- Mind in Haringey
- Bridge Renewal Trust
- Tempo Time Credits
We would like to invite you to join us in the making of a celebration video. The video will be launched across all communication channels of the Haringey Wellbeing Network and across the borough in August 2020.
Want to join in? Let us know by sending a video clip no longer than 30 seconds including the following:
1. How did you find the Haringey Wellbeing Network services?
2. The person/service/organisation you would like to thank from the Haringey Wellbeing Network
3. How have they made an impact to your life or to your organisation?
When you have made your video clip, please email to: [email protected] with HWN video in the Subject Line.
For more information please call: 07508 511 128
Deadline for submissions: Friday 24th July 2020 5pm.
Guidance for making your video:
1. Select a suitable background and make sure there is plenty of light / daylight. This will help reduce shadows on your face.
2. If you’re filming yourself on a mobile device, place the mobile in the ‘landscape’ position.
3. When adjusting the camera position, make sure you fit into the frame. Aim for chest or shoulder up shot or waist up shot.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Posted on: 29th June 2020