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Community Protect – Winter Resources


As part of our work under Community Protect we have collaboratively produced some useful resources on how we can improve and maintain our mental health during this winter period. Winter can be a demanding and difficult time for us all, but there are things that we can do in our day to day lives that will help to improve our mental health: Community Protect Look After Your Mental Health


Community Protect have also produced a range of useful resources for maintaining our health in general. As we face another winter of uncertainty due to COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, it’s important that we continue to try to do things as safely as we can to ensure we minimise the spread of COVID-19: Community Protect Stay Safe This Winter


There are also a range of ways in which we can ensure ourselves and our loved ones can stay well this winter; the following link provides a list of information and services available to Haringey residents in this regard: Stay Well This Winter


As well as this the NHS is here to help keep us safe, they have provided us with a list of services and tips on how we can keep ourselves and others safe over the next few weeks: NHS – Here to keep us safe

Posted on: 21st December 2021

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